cold cold cold [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 19:12:05 GMT
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Though caught up in the moment between his own ascension to avatarship as well as that of his sister, , Gavin had not neglected to note 's reserved behavior.

He had expected the spirited youth to confront him about his deception, but he hadn't heard a word. She'd backed away from the chaos that most of Rocket had embraced, and in spite of his callous demeanour — he was worried. It had not been all too long since she'd killed a man, or at very least been the cause of his death through her Golisopod's violence, and the breakdown she'd suffered after was fresh in the mind of the underboss.

Shoal Cave, apart from being a welcome reprieve from Hoenn's oppressive heat, was a good place for a covert conversation.

He instructs her to meet him part way in; the path that the underboss had taken is marked by deep gouges in the ice left by a Sandslash's claws. That same Sandslash lurks at his side where he waits, growls at Plank's approach only to fall silent when Gavin makes a sharp gesture with his wrist. Its lips pull back from teeth, feral, but it makes no further move toward aggression.

Gavin checks his phone. She's not on time, but close enough to be forgiven thanks to the remote location. His gaze flicks upward, scrutinizing her.

"How are you?" A loaded question. He begins to walk deeper into the cave, and gestures for her to follow. He doesn't turn to check if she's listened as he adds, "You seemed unsettled during the meeting."
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 1:09:13 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]The mouth of the cave leaks cold the way a wound does blood. Uneven but constant. Startling at first, but easy to forget with time. Plank spends a while staring into its gaping maw, scuffing her already thoroughly scuffed shoes on the sand that separates the tropical climate of the rest of Hoenn from the icy belly of this beast.

A warm breeze attempts to pass through, is weighted down by the cave's breath, and hits her leg cool enough to raise goosebumps. Or would if there weren't already goosebumps all over her -- persistent things that had been there from the moment she got her summons for today.

Being "summoned" hadn't been doing her very many favors lately. It meant death and threats and grim displays; and more importantly it meant making a fool of herself. Throwing up at the feet of a scowling superior, nearly getting herself killed over her pride, hiding away from the sound of screams and combat.

She isn't eager to see just how inelegantly she can land on her face this time.

But then again, it's not up to her is it? Maybe what comes after the order to show up will be, but showing up at all . . . Somehow she guesses her recruiter's -- her underboss's -- patience would run out if she said no to a command that simple. So she walks in.

"Hey t' you too," she greets the growling Sandslash when she arrives a few minutes later. Just manages to turn the urge to run from its aggression into a less-embarrassing half-step back.

'How are you?' The words pull her eyes to Gavin. Her mind rushes with answers.

"Well, I've been livin' out of a cave the last week or so."

"I keep wonderin' what that man was thinkin' when I killed him."

"It's hard t' get any sleep when that flower pokemon's screechin' 'n' your pet monster's eyes follow me every time I close my eyes."

"I'm fine," Plank says instead, shrugging, blinking tired eyes, "The meetin' just wasn't my speed, 'n' I had t' process the fact I almost barfed all over an underboss's shoes."

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 12:17:22 GMT
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He sees the lie in her expression before it leaves her lips; she's not fine. There's a tired vacancy that comes only with trauma, a vacancy he recognizes but does not know how to reconcile. See, Rocket had never taught him how to cope. They had taught him to adapt, or die.

He is softer, with her, but only by degrees.

There is a lesson to be learned, here, one he'd attempted to teach on a bloodied Slateport street. Don't make him ask twice.

So though he doubts her, he doesn't challenge.

"It's a rare thing for the boss to summon all of us. Such things are of great importance." The gravity in his tone suggests he believes the words; it went beyond the fact that he'd been given an irreplaceable gift with each meeting. "Prove yourself, and perhaps you'll be the one he takes notice of, next."

He doesn't comment when she calls out his title, but his lip quirks.
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 21:08:17 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]Gavin's refusal to ask again is something Plank is actually banking on this time. This isn't like last time, this isn't her lying out of obligation -- believing that there's no way out. It's not like she's holding onto that same worldview and once again using dishonesty to roll out a bloody red carpet to nightmares and flashbacks to a cold alleyway, a dusty room.

There's nothing Gavin can do to help her right now. No order he can let her ignore to get rid of the restlessness that's sunk bone deep into her these days. Nothing he can say to make her feel better about everything, he made that clear when she was curled up with tears streaking down her face and stomach acid bubbling in her throat.

Plank doesn't want to talk about if there's nothing to be done for it.

So she doesn't.

"I guess," she shrugs again, "Maybe the gravity of it all is just lost on me. Only other boss I had I saw damn near every day, 'n' hearin' him snore from halfway across the ship kinda killed the glamor of it all."

"Can't say I'd object t' gettin' a monster of my own like what you got, though," there's a momentary smile, a real one. Yeah, Shadow Lugia is a fucking horror of a thing, but there's no doubting the power behind it. The freedom she knows must lie in that kind of power . . .

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 21:33:46 GMT
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"Lugia is no monster."

There's a warning in his tone, a spark. It has chosen him to be its partner, and Gavin sees it as his liberation.

"I am its Avatar. Do you know what that means?"

A fluid motion with his wrist, and miasma swirls from the tips of his fingers to the points of Sandslash's jagged spines. The feral creature snarls as it breathes in sickening fog, claws at the ground with bloodthirsty intent.

"Battle me," he commands. "Give me everything you've got."

Sandslash tenses; the moment Plank sends out a Pokémon, it lunges with pure FRUSTRATION.

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sandslash-alola"]
Sandslash uses Frustration.
Shadow Miasma ups speed and evasion.
Gavin's shadow Pokemon have increased strength.

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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 21:57:22 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"Coulda fooled me," Plank pushes forward, not heeding the warning. The thing was bordering on feral. The way it screamed, the raw fury that roiled like fire in its red eyes as they swept over the crowd. It was like a Granbull bred for pit fights, only held back from maiming everything in sight by its fraying leash.

The word "Avatar" more or less goes through one ear and out the other. Catches some stray dust here and there. Something about that bull of a man at the festival with Tapu Bulu. Something about Gavin and the head scientist being empowered at the meeting. Some stray headlines she saw in the HNN before tearing it up for campfire kindling.

She's about to say as much when she sees the gaseous shadows weep from Gavin's hand. Like cold. Like blood. It's distracting enough to keep her silent as they swirl about the Sandlash.

'Battle me.'

Plank's eyes snap from the pokemon back to Gavin. What?


He doesn't have an answer for her question, and the way that Sandslash bristles at his side lets her know she shouldn't ask again. It's hard to know if the Shadow Pokemon cares whether she sends out a pokemon or not; but she's not going to sit around and wait to find out. She reluctantly plucks a pokeball from her pocket and throws it.

Hull, the Golisopod, emerges with a roar.

Without her saying anything he lunges towards the FRUSTRATED Sandslash and meets it blow for blow. Its claws meet his as he attempts to make a memorable FIRST IMPRESSION.

hull was hit by frustration!
hull used first impression!

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 7, 2021 23:54:39 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
She is taken aback, but obeys. Good.

Sandslash lunges with feral fury, but the Golisopod makes a strong first impression before it can vent its frustrations in full. Sent sprawling, it catches itself on the ice with curved metal claws and rights itself, growling.

A fierce, bitter wind blows through the cavern, and hail begins to pelt at exposed skin.

"I asked you a question."

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sandslash-alola"]
Sandslash is hit by First Impression. NVE.
Sandslash uses Hail. [1/5]
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peggie vela
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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 1:00:26 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]It's not an even trade, despite Hull's best efforts. The Sandslash rights itself, seeming little more than annoyed by the strike, while Hull cringes where he stands. His claw twitches -- scraped and lightly bleeding. Like most things, it riles him up. Another roar rumbles from his belly to the open air before he starts charging forward.

"Couldn't at least let me give ya an idea?" Plank mumbles her complaint as the Golisopod closes the distance between himself and his opponent.

He throws a mean hook with his uninjured, right hand as HAIL beats against his hide at bruising speeds. A ROCK SMASH uppercut meant to knock his enemy off its feet.

"Huh?" Plank's attention is pulled from the action, "Oh, uh, yeah I don't really know anythin' about that Avatar shit. Doesn't have anythin' t' do with me beyond happenin' within' spittin' distance."

hull was buffeted by hail!
hull used rock smash!

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 6:57:28 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Her muttered comment suggests insufficient command over the hulking beast; the same one from their mission, he'd wager. Gavin's eyes narrow.

"If its first instinct is not deference, you're doing something wrong." Though Sandslash attacked with unbridled fury, it did so because Gavin had ordered it to. His commands are simple, subtle, silent, a turn of the wrist and a movement of fingers. "Who is in command: you, or your Pokémon?"

A sharp whistle echoes through the cave and draws the eye of his charge; Gavin gestures again.

Though it looks as though it would rather lunge for the throat, Sandslash hunkers down and allows the larger beast to charge straight for it. When it throws its uppercut toward the shrew, there's a violent clash of claw and steel. Sandslash holds Golisopod at bay with its claws, protecting itself from the danger.

"Lugia has spoken to me. Chosen me. I am its vessel, and you will respect it."

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sandslash-alola"]
Sandslash uses Protect against Rock Smash.
Hail continues to fall. [2/5]
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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 7:15:30 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"His first instinct is t' fuck shit up, 'n' I like it like that!" Plank shouts back, petulant but not dishonest, "We're workin' on a bit of patience, but I'm in control!" Maybe this second half less so.

As she speaks Hull pulls back his claw again. Running up against the Sandslash's claws leave it scuffed and aching, but aches and pains don't stop him. Plank's right, this is his strength and it's why she's so slow to temper him. He doesn't hesitate. Within a second of his ROCK SMASH being stopped the Golisopod brings his claw down again.

Water curls around his sharp digits before he brings his arm down like a crashing wave. A LIQUIDATION that seeks to erode and smash through any defenses it faces.

The warning around Shadow Lugia rubs against her the wrong way, but this isn't an argument she's going to win.

"Yeah, fine," she acquiesces with barely half a heart, "The thing just gives me the creeps. Sorry for hurtin' its feelin's or whatever."

hull was buffeted by hail!
hull used liquidation!

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 7:59:30 GMT
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"And if you need to hold back?"

Gavin is relentless; though Golisopod sported a strong first impression and a great deal of strength, that could be to their detriment in a sensitive operation.

"You should always be in control."

This time, Gavin allows the attack to connect. Sandslash is thrown back by the impact of the wave and spits as it slams into the cavern wall. As soon as it is back on its feet, the beady eyes of the Pokémon have flashed to Gavin for instruction.

A haunted, howling gale rips through the passage bearing a blizzard in its wake.

Meanwhile, as ice and snow ravage the battlefield, Gavin has turned his full attention to Plank. Her attitude sours him; had he behaved with such indifference toward those who'd trained him, they'd have put him in the infirmary.

"It frightens you?" He tilts his head, slow.

A burst of shadow heralds the legend's emergence, its broad purple-black wings casting darkness. There is less frenzy in the depths of its deep red gaze, but malevolence remains — radiates through a space it fills almost entirely. It cranes its neck to look down at them, sharp teeth outlined in its parted jaws. Though its presence alone exerts a great deal of pressure, Gavin is not afraid.

He has been taught how to be afraid.

"Perhaps you should show respect to the things that scare you, girl."

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sandslash-alola"]
Sandslash is hit by Liquidation. NVE.
Hail continues to fall. [3/5]
Sandslash uses Blizzard. It's accuracy is boosted by the hail.
Sandslash's shadow abilities take effect.
Lugia is exerting its Pressure.
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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 8:24:02 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]Plank is ready to go on this merry-go-round of "I'm in control" "No you're not" "Yes I am" "No you're not" but the Sandslash's reply robs her of even the choice. The wailing of the BLIZZARD within the cave walls, the way it echoes in the chamber, drowns out speech momentarily. And the sudden drop in temperature makes her shiver in a way altogether unacceptable if you're going to try to deliver a clear rebuttal.

The small space is dominated by the attack. Hull might have had a chance to avoid it in open air, but it's impossible here. Especially with the HAIL bolstering the attack. He's got no choice but to take it, and it hurts. It hurts bad.

The attack is so cold it burns, and no matter what part of the Golisopod takes the hit it ends poorly. Vulnerable flesh flips between numbness and searing pain, while his armor goes so cold it freezes the flesh under by proxy. If he were any other pokemon this would be bad news. The pain and the numbness in his limbs would immobilize him and make any kind of response nigh impossible.

He's not though.

EMERGENCY EXIT activates just as he's starting to really suffer and he vanishes in a flash of red light.

"Frightens me," she echoes, pulling another pokeball from her pocket. Yeah, undoubtedly. It terrifies her. Admitting that goes against every emotional reflex she's ever nursed, though, "Extreme wordin' there."

Her Pelipper, Swabbie, and Shadow Lugia emerge back to back. The contrast would be hilarious if the return of the legendary didn't suck all the air out of the cavern. Its PRESSURE weighs down the space and Plank's insides in equal measure. She breaks out in a cold sweat, but manages to crumble no more through a joint effort of grit teeth and painfully clenched fists.

Silence hangs as the fight comes to a momentary standstill. Swabbie is one of her better pokemon -- he knows to wait for instruction; and if not, in the face of the legendary before them even he struggles to maintain composure.

The quiet is broken only by the sound of raindrops as the HAIL around them melts into a steady DRIZZLE.

hull was buffeted by hail!
hull was hit by blizzard!
hull was frostbitten!
emergency exit activated! hull was returned!
swabbie was sent out!
drizzle activated! the hail subsided!
it started to rain! (1/5)

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 15:04:36 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
For all the posturing, it is Lugia's mercy that sees Plank unharmed. Had the legend thought to lash out, to teach her a lesson, Gavin would not have stopped it.

It looms over their battlefield, blizzard raging around it, and seems to thrive as snow transitions to falling rain. Lugia's presence seems to dampen Sandslash's feral aggression to something more controlled; its frenzied snarls are reduced to a grumble as its comfort zone rescinds.

Gavin whistles, turns his wrist.

Sandslash sets up a safeguard that shimmers in the air, glaring up at the Pelipper whose wings gave it an aerial advantage.

"Lugia is your ally, not your enemy."

Yet he knows her fear from the chills Darkrai had once sent up his spine.

"The rain is good," Gavin remarks. "But how will you capitalize on it?"

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sandslash-alola"]
The hail has stopped.
Sandslash uses Safeguard. [1/5]
Lugia is exerting its Pressure.

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POSTED ON May 8, 2021 22:09:08 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"Yeah, sure," Plank mumbles. She could do with an ally that glowers at her a little less if that's the case. But the time for conversation is done. Beyond done. It was one thing to speak liberally about an angry god currently absent, but now that it looms behind Gavin even snide remarks turn to ash on her tongue.

So, she just does her best to ignore the red eyes watching her and the unsettling weight to the air and focus on the task at hand. She's still in a battle. And for the first time she might have the upper hand.

"Swabbie, focus up!" she shouts, voice wobbling only slightly, snapping the Pelipper from his own internal struggle, "Let's get t' work! Hoist the sails!"

While the Sandslash guards itself from outside status effects, Swabbie flaps his wings ever harder from his place in the air. The stagnant air of the cave gives way to a whipping wind, a powerful TAILWIND. It unnaturally twists and turns so that no matter what it's always supporting the Pelipper from behind.

That Sandslash is a quick son of a bitch, maybe this can help even the playing field a bit.

it continued to rain! (2/5)
swabbie used tailwind!
a tailwind blew from behind! speed up! (1/4)

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POSTED ON May 9, 2021 20:46:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
As Plank relents, Lugia's tail curves dangerously close to the pair, its spikes leaving deep ruts in the ice. Narrowly avoiding Plank, it curls around Gavin in a gesture that seems, if anything, possessive.

For his part, Gavin doesn't seem to mind.

"Indirect communication. Hm, good." The underboss stands with arms folded, watching. "Nonverbal would be better, but this is a solid foundation."

The legend stirs as a breeze stirs within the cave, as if to welcome the wind.

Sandslash is not so thrilled; it seems to struggle against the tailwind as it starts toward Pelipper, running. Though the shrew builds up as much speed as it can, the favorable winds could allow for the avian to dodge, or otherwise sneak in an additional attack.

When it's close, it uses momentum to launch itself into the air and swipe at Pelipper's wings with metal claws.

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sandslash-alola"]
Safeguard is in effect. [2/5]
Sandslash uses Metal Claw.
Lugia is exerting its Pressure.
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